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Showing posts from August, 2016

iOS Beginner Level [Part 2/4]: Familiar Objective-C Classes

[1] NSUserDefaults NSUserDefaults object used to read information and caches information in user’s default data base.  Stores the data in Plist. The synchronised method of this class automatically invoked at a period of intervals to sync  the memory cache the data base. ex: `[defaults synchronize];` Always returns the immutable values. Non-persistent data storage. [2] NSBundle  This object locates your app in the file system from where you can access resources and use them in your programs. [3] UIResponder:  Subclass of NSObject defines the interface for objects ( likely abstract class) objects responds to this class and it handles those events. It is the super class of UIApplication, UIWindow , UIView (including all of its subclasses). Handles all type of touch events, motion events. [4] NSCoder  NSCoder is an abstractClass which represents a stream of data. They are used in Archiving and Unarchiving objects. NSCoder objects are usually used in a metho

IOS Beginner level [Part 1/4]: Basic concepts and terminology

Started developing iOS  apps? Great ! Before that make sure you have familiar with basic concepts covered in this post. Most probably you started using, but  totally unaware of it.  All these topics are the checklist for your next interview or your presentation and also you are welcome  even if use it as cheatsheet.  Again I want to stress that it covers only the topic definition or few lines of description. You can find good tutorial sites for rest of in depth explanation. [1] App A large ecosystem of interconnected objects that communicate with each other to solve specific problem such as displaying user interface, responding events, inputs and storing information. [2] App ID App id is a 2 part string used to identify one or more apps from a single development team. Combination of Team Id and Bundle ID separated by a period character(.) There are 2 types of App Id’s , an Explicit app id used for single app and wildcard app ids (with domain name *) used for set of ap