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Upcoming iOS Conferences 2019

Tech conferences are the source of educational opportunity & gives a chance of networking with peers. 2019 will be yet another busy year for a mobile app developer. An iOS developer just waiting for Swift 5.0 release or next version of iOS is not sufficient to get a brainstorm. When I found a few dev conferences already started selling tickets for this year, I started noting down in this article. I hope you will mark down in your calendar for next event by end of this article.

iOS Conf SG 2019 

January 17-19 @Singapore
This conference starts in next week itself featuring more than 20 pure iOS and Swift programming talks. It also includes one day workshop for 300 attendees.


January 28-30 @Paris, France
This European Swift Conference focused on training sessions for intermediate and hardcore developers along with many interesting talks.


Feb 14-17 @Cluj-Napoca, Romania
MobOS Community Romania intended to build network around mobile developer community. Hence they started conference on each year. On this 6th edition, it starts with exciting keynotes presented by even more exciting keynote speakers and wonderful workshops regarding hot topics in today’s mobile development world.

FITC Amsterdam

February 18-19 @Amsterdam, Netherlands
FITC Amsterdam features the world’s most innovative, technical and creative talks that will inspire you to pursue your dreams and create your very best work. Focuses on different verticals of mobile development industry including UI/UX trends, Native apps & Hybrid apps.


March 12-15 @Amsterdam, Netherlands
Again in the same neighbourhood Appdevcon brings mobile app developers together. This time have five days with multiple tracks, designed in such a way that whether you’re an Android, iOS, Windows, Web, TV or other app developer, there’s always at least one session that should be of interest.

iOSCon 2019 

March 21-22 @London, U.K.
Back in Europe, iOSCon 2019 is the go-to conference to discover and learn all the latest developments in the iOS and Swift world. Join leading experts in the iOS & Swift realm, who will share the latest technologies, tools, ideas and practices developing and evolving within iOS, Swift and Mobile Technology.

trySwift Tokyo 2019

March 21-23 @Tokyo, Japan
try! Swift Conference is an international community gathering about the latest advancements in Swift Development. The event is about bringing together talent from all around the world to collaborate and share advanced knowledge and techniques to improve Swift craftsmanship. Coming again to Tokyo on March 21st & 22nd 2019, with workshops happening on March 23rd!


April 1-4 @Chester, U.K.
CodeMobile is a UK developer conference that has been created by developers who love creating apps in the mobile space. It's an opportunity to network, collaborate and share ideas with other like minded developers. The conference has two tracks, one focussed on iOS development, the other on Android. The conference takes place in Chester, on the North-Wales border and can easily be accessed by public transport from London, Manchester, Liverpool and other major cities.

Swift by Midwest

April 17-18 @Chicago, IL, U.S.A.
At Swift by Midwest, you'll be learning from some of the best technical presenters in the Apple developer community.

FITC Toronto

April 21-23 @Toronto, Canada
FITC will be again back in Toronto with industry event explores the future of everything innovative, technical and creative to leave you informed, challenged and inspired. The list of speakers and attendees are huge.


April 26-28 @Montréal, Canada
A is Canada's independent apple developer and designers event. NSNorth is not only about gathering knowledge. It facilitate new connections and friends amongst our great community by providing an inclusive setting where all participants feel safe and welcome.

App Builders

April 29-30 @Lugano, Switzerland
App Builders is the perfect place to meet other developers working on iOS and Android every day, creating a priceless network of contacts. This year 25+ speakers present on Android & iOS topics. The schedule is filled with interesting talks and relaxing breaks to allow you to network over amazing food and real Italian coffee.


May 26-29 @Berlin, Germany
UIKonf is Berlin's independent conference for serious iOS developers. Taking place from May 26th to 29th 2019 in RADIALSYSTEM V in Berlin it is a great place to meet and connect with experienced developers from all over Europe. UIKonf features inspiring speakers giving talks on cutting edge topics in iOS development, mobile design and business.

mDevCamp 2019

May 30-31 @Prague
mDevCamp 2019 is the largest conference for mobile enthusiasts in Central Europe. The 8th edition will feature world-class speakers, in-depth talks and workshops and great hands-on zones. The conference welcomes not only mobile app developers but also the mobile app designers, architects,  product managers and even business - marketing teams from all around the world.

ADDC - App Design & Development Conference

June 26-28 @Barcelona, Spain
App designers and developers around the world work side by side every day to build some of the most incredible and innovative applications. ADDC aims to create an opportunity for designers and developers to meet, find new ways to work together and get inspired in an open, inclusive and collaborative space.


August 25-28 @Denver CO, U.S.A.
A leading iOS/Mac indie developer conference. Four days of hands-on swift training, amazing sessions, and the meet with great swift community.

Mobile Era 2019 

November 7-8 @Oslo, Norway
Mobile Era is organized by a team of enthusiasts across several technology companies in Oslo. You can expect sessions on iOS / Android, Cross-platform / JS-to-Native, IoT / Hardware, Mobile UX / Accessibility.

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