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♻️ Reusing Image with Template render mode in iOS

UIImage comes with property "renderingMode" from iOS 7 onwards. It can be set either 'alwaysTemplate' or 'alwaysOriginal'. This enum property helps us to re-use images that may thin your app size too.

Let's get into to a real scenario !

I have added button as heart icon that gives like or dislike functionality for a picture.
As you can see in the result below, heart image turns red when liked and stays gray when disliked. In such cases only one image asset can be used.

Considering a UIButton object already created and added as a subview in the project, let's start with functionality. Again, I have only one image with name 'heart' in the asset folder (with gray fill). Using same image, I can create 2 instances of UIImage objects using rendering modes.   

 let notLikedImage = UIImage.init(named: "heart")?.withRenderingMode(.alwaysOriginal)
 let likedImage = UIImage.init(named: "heart")?.withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate)

Now, set the images for selected and normal state.

 self.likeButton.setImage(notLikedImage, for: .normal)
 self.likeButton.setImage(likedImage, for: .selected)

Set the button tint color which will be rendered for Template mode. In our case, when user liked picture, button turns to red color.

 self.likeButton.tintColor = .red

Set target method for button event for example :
 self.likeButton.addTarget(self, action: #selector(updatedButton), for: .touchUpInside)

Also, in implement the button selection state toggle.

@objc func updatedButton(){
    self.likeButton.isSelected = !self.likeButton.isSelected

That's it. Now you can see the final result - When user selects the button, it turns red from template mode. When deselects, it turns back to original image.!

Bonus tip :

Feels odd when button tapped it highlights? We can remove the button by setting 'false' to property 'adjustsImageWhenHighlighted'.

 self.likeButton.adjustsImageWhenHighlighted = false

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